02 October 2009

Hmmm... AW Pink, in Seven Sayings of the Savior on the Cross, says we are to forgive only repentant sinners, citing Luke 17...

A.W. Pink on Forgiveness

Here is something I was reading in A.W. Pink this morning, from his sermon collection Seven Sayings of the Savior on the Cross (Pink's emphasis):
...are we not to forgive those who wrong us? This leads us to a point concerning which there is much need for instruction today. Does Scripture teach that under all circumstances we must always forgive? I answer, emphatically, it does not. The Word of God says, "If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him."...Here we are plainly taught that a condition must be met by the offender before we may pronounce forgiveness. The one who has wronged us must first "repent," that is, judge himself for his wrong and give evidence of his sorrow over it. But suppose the offender does not repent? Then I am not to forgive him. But let there be no misunderstanding of our meaning here. Even though the one who has wronged me does not repent, nevertheless, I must not harbor ill-feelings against him. There must be no hatred or malice cherished in the heart. Yet, on the other hand, I must not treat the offender as if he had done no wrong.
He goes on a bit, but I have to chew on that a bit, as it relates to my dealing with sin. I would often rather let something go, thinking this the noble thing, even the Christian thing to do, when a brother offends me. However, Christ's desire is for the members of his Church to be driving each other to ever-greater heights of holy living and charity.

30 September 2009


Today marks the beginning of a new feature on Table Stichomythia: Assignments. There are four authors with posting rights for this blog, and they will be posting more frequently on It is a little like a Freshman composition class, but hopefully this will enable our authors to constantly maintain market-fresh content. Our assignments will form under seven categories:
  1. Bible
  2. Theology
  3. Culture
  4. The World
  5. Current Events
  6. History
  7. The Internet
Each will be ranked Easy, Medium, or Hard, and each month will hopefully feature at least one assignment from each category. I have already come up with about 90 assignments, and will add to these as needed, but I would like to extend an invitation for any readers to suggest additional topics. If you would like to suggest a topic for us to explore, send me an email or comment on this or another post to let us know. If you have an idea for how your suggested assignment would fit into the foregoing categories and difficulties, please include those in your email or comment.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Blog Sojournings